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UN/LOCODE in Antofagasta,Chile

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
CLANFAntofagastaANAntofagastaPort,AirportAI2338S 07023WMap
CLBALBalmacedaANAntofagastaRoad TerminalAM2504S 06944WMap
CLBAQBaquedanoANAntofagastaRoad TerminalRL2320S 06951WMap
CLCJCCalamaANAntofagastaRail Terminal,Road Terminal,AirportAI2227S 06855WMap
CLCOLCaleta ColosoANAntofagastaPortRL2345S 07028WMap
CLCPLCerro ParanalANAntofagastaRoad TerminalAM2438S 07024WMap
CLCHUChuquicamataANAntofagastaRoad TerminalRL2219S 06856WMap
CLGIOGaticoANAntofagastaRoad TerminalRL2230S 07014WMap
CLLACLa ChimbaANAntofagastaRoad TerminalRL2333S 07024WMap
CLLNELa NegraANAntofagastaRoad TerminalRL2346S 07019WMap
CLLVTLos VientosANAntofagastaPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalRL2441S 06946WMap
CLMAEMaría ElenaANAntofagastaRoad TerminalRN2221S 06940WMap
CLMJSMejillonesANAntofagastaPortAI2306S 07027WMap
CLMICMichillaANAntofagastaPort,Road TerminalRN2244S 07016WMap
CLOLLOllagüeANAntofagastaRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN2114S 06816WMap
CLHITPaso Hito Cajón/San Pedro de AtacamaANAntofagastaRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC2253S 06748WMap
CLJAMPaso Jama/San Pedro de AtacamaANAntofagastaRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC2314S 06704WMap
CLOLAPaso Ollagüe/OllagüeANAntofagastaRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC2113S 06814WMap
CLSICPaso Sico/San Pedro de AtacamaANAntofagastaRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC2351S 06716WMap
CLSOCPaso Socompa/AntofagastaANAntofagastaRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC2427S 06817WMap
CLPDVPedro de ValdiviaANAntofagastaRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL2236S 06940WMap
CLPAGPuerto AngamosANAntofagastaPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalRL2305S 07027WMap
CLSPASan Pedro de AtacamaANAntofagastaRoad TerminalRN2255S 06813WMap
CLSIGSierra GordaANAntofagastaRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN2254S 06919WMap
CLTTCTaltalANAntofagastaPort,AirportAI2524S 07028WMap
CLTOQTocopillaANAntofagastaPort,AirportAI2205S 07011WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

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