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UN/LOCODE in Coquimbo,Chile

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
CLANDAndacolloCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN3013S 07105WMap
CLCANCanelaCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN3124S 07127WMap
CLCBBCombarbaláCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN3110S 07100WMap
CLCQQCoquimboCOCoquimboPortAI2958S 07120WMap
CLCGRCruz GrandeCOCoquimboPortRL2927S 07118WMap
CLELPEl PalquiCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRL3045S 07059WMap
CLGYCGuayacánCOCoquimboPortAI2959S 07122WMap
CLRHUHurtadoCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN3017S 07042WMap
CLILLIllapelCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN3137S 07109WMap
CLLAHLa HigueraCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN2940S 07100WMap
CLLSCLa SerenaCOCoquimboPort,AirportAI2953S 07114WMap
CLLMRLimaríCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRL3037S 07116WMap
CLLOSLos VilosCOCoquimboPortRL3154S 07130WMap
CLMTPMonte PatriaCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN3041S 07056WMap
CLOVLOvalleCOCoquimboPort,AirportAI3035S 07112WMap
CLPAIPaiguanoCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN3001S 07032WMap
CLAGNPaso Agua Negra-Juntas de Toro/VicuñaCOCoquimboRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC3012S 06950WMap
CLPOSPosesiónCOCoquimboPort,Road TerminalRN2954S 07004WMap
CLPUNPunitaquiCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN3054S 07116WMap
CLPTCPunta ChungoCOCoquimboPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalRL3152S 07130WMap
CLSALSalamancaCOCoquimboRoad TerminalRN3146S 07058WMap
CLTONTongoyCOCoquimboPort,Road TerminalRN3015S 07129WMap
CLVICVicuñaCOCoquimboRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3001S 07042WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

How can I find Chile UN/LOCODE?

You can use the search function above to enter city names to find the UN/LOCODE. Or you can search for the UN/LOCODE of corresponding Chile cities by region.