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UN/LOCODE in Magallanes,Chile

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
CLBLRBahia LaredoMAMagallanesPort,Road TerminalRL5258S 07048WMap
CLBAGBahía San GregorioMAMagallanesPortAI5237S 07008WMap
CLCHRCabo de HornosMAMagallanesPortRN5558S 06712WMap
CLCNXCabo NegroMAMagallanesPortAI5258S 07051WMap
CLCLRCaleta ClarenciaMAMagallanesPortAI5253S 07006WMap
CLSMBCerro SombreroMAMagallanesRoad Terminal,AirportAI5246S 06918WMap
CLISGIsla GuarelloMAMagallanesPortAI5240S 07341WMap
CLLBLLaguna BlancaMAMagallanesRoad TerminalRN5215S 07155WMap
CLDORPaso Dorotea/Puerto NatalesMAMagallanesRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC5135S 07220WMap
CLIAUPaso Integración Austral-Monte Aymond/San GregorioMAMagallanesRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC5208S 06931WMap
CLCVJPaso Laurita Casas Viejas/Puerto NatalesMAMagallanesRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC5141S 07218WMap
CLRBLPaso Río Bellavista/TimaukelMAMagallanesRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC5400S 06841WMap
CLRDGPaso Río Don Guillermo/Torres del PaineMAMagallanesRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC5115S 07215WMap
CLSSBPaso San Sebastián/PorvenirMAMagallanesRoad Terminal,Border CrossingAC5319S 06836WMap
CLPCKPecketMAMagallanesPortRL5257S 07111WMap
CLPVRPorvenirMAMagallanesRoad Terminal,AirportRL5318S 07022WMap
CLWPRPorvenir AptMAMagallanesRoad Terminal,AirportRL5315S 07019WMap
CLPRIPrimaveraMAMagallanesRoad TerminalRN5243S 06915WMap
CLEDEPuerto EdénMAMagallanesPortRL4909S 07427WMap
CLPNTPuerto NatalesMAMagallanesPort,Road Terminal,AirportAI5143S 07230WMap
CLPPYPuerto PercyMAMagallanesPortAI5254S 07016WMap
CLWPUPuerto WilliamsMAMagallanesPort,AirportAI5455S 06737WMap
CLPUQPunta ArenasMAMagallanesPort,Road Terminal,AirportAI5308S 07056WMap
CLRVERío VerdeMAMagallanesRoad TerminalRN5239S 07128WMap
CLSGRSan GregorioMAMagallanesRoad TerminalRL5234S 07004WMap
CLTIMTimaukelMAMagallanesRoad TerminalRN5417S 06910WMap
CLTDPTorres del PaineMAMagallanesRoad TerminalRN5059S 07303WMap
CLTPTTres PuentesMAMagallanesPort,Road TerminalRN5307S 07053WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

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