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UN/LOCODE in Limón,Costa Rica

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
CRAGUAguas ZarcasLLimónRoad Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL0954N 08308WMap
CRBCLBarra del ColoradoLLimónAirportRL1046N 08335WMap
CRBRIBri BriLLimónRoad TerminalRL0938N 08250WMap
CRBFLBúffaloLLimónMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL1001N 08310WMap
CRCHTCahuitaLLimónRoad TerminalRL0944N 08251WMap
CRFRAFranciaLLimónRoad Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL1008N 08333WMap
CRGUCGuacimoLLimónRoad TerminalRL1013N 08341WMap
CRCPLGuápilesLLimónRoad TerminalRL1013N 08347WMap
CRJIMJimenezLLimónRoad TerminalRQ1013N 08343WMap
CRLLALimon Via TurrialbaLLimónMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL1010N 08337WMap
CRMOBMoínLLimónPort,Road TerminalRL1000N 08305WMap
CRPRAPandoraLLimónRoad TerminalRL0944N 08258WMap
CRL6GParisminaLLimónRoad TerminalRL1012N 08338WMap
CRPOCPocoraLLimónRoad TerminalRQ1011N 08336WMap
CRPUCPuerto CarrilloLLimónRoad TerminalRL0952N 08528WMap
CRLIOPuerto LimónLLimónPort,Road TerminalAI1000N 08302WMap
CRPMNPuerto MoinLLimónPortRQ
CRVDTPuerto ViejoLLimónPort,Road TerminalRL0939N 08246WMap
CRRJIRio JimenezLLimónPort,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL1015N 08336WMap
CRROXRoxanaLLimónPort,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ1016N 08345WMap
CRSALSan Alberto NuevoLLimónRoad TerminalRL1009N 08328WMap
CRSVLSandovalLLimónRoad TerminalRQ0958N 08305WMap
CRSQRSiquirresLLimónRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL1006N 08331WMap
CRSIXSixaola/TalamancaLLimónPort,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL0931N 08237WMap
CRTNCTalamancaLLimónRoad TerminalRL0936N 08247WMap
CRTTQTortugueroLLimónAirportRL1034N 08335WMap
CRFDFVeneciaLLimónRoad TerminalRL1002N 08314WMap
CRVF2Villa FrancaLLimónMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ1018N 08336WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

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