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UN/LOCODE in Alicante / Alacant,Spain

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
ESAFZAlfaz del PiAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRQ3835N 00006WMap
ESRADAlmoradiAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3807N 00046WMap
ESAQAAlteaAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3835N 00003WMap
ESBN5BeniarbeigAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalAA3849N 00010EMap
ESBNRBeniarrésAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3849N 00023WMap
ESBJFBenijofarAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3805N 00044EMap
ESBMFBenimarfullAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3847N 00023WMap
ESNNNBunuielAAlicante / AlacantPortRQ
ESCRGCabo RoigAAlicante / AlacantPortRQ3755N 00044WMap
ESCLPCalpeAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3838N 00004EMap
ESECPCampelloAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3826N 00024WMap
ESCM3Campo de MirraAAlicante / AlacantRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL3841N 00046WMap
ESCPACampoamorAAlicante / AlacantPortRQ3754N 00045WMap
ESCS2Casas de IbáñezAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3824N 00105WMap
ESCSCCascanteAAlicante / AlacantRail Terminal,Road Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL3840N 00050WMap
ESCEDCedeiraAAlicante / AlacantPort,Road TerminalRL4339N 00803WMap
ESDYNDaya NuevaAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3807N 00045WMap
ESEATEl AltetAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRQ3816N 00032WMap
ESEVLEl VergerAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3850N 00000EMap
ESFDSFormentera de SeguraAAlicante / AlacantRoad Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ3805N 00045WMap
ESGISGaianesAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3848N 00024WMap
ESYANGayanesAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRQ
ESGD7Granja de RocamoraAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalAA3809N 00053WMap
ESHDFHondon de los FrailesAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalAA3816N 00330WMap
ESAA5JacarillaAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3804N 00052WMap
ESLZBJalonAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3844N 00010WMap
ESJAVJáveaAAlicante / AlacantPort,Road TerminalRL3847N 00010EMap
ESLURLa MuradaAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3811N 00058WMap
ESLMTLos MontesinosAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRQ3802N 00044WMap
ESMNTMontesinosAAlicante / AlacantMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ3820N 00044WMap
ESMRAMorayraAAlicante / AlacantRoad Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL3841N 00008EMap
ESMCMMuchamielAAlicante / AlacantRoad Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL3825N 00026WMap
ESOBAOrbaAAlicante / AlacantMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ3847N 00000WMap
ESPAFPajara FuerteventuraAAlicante / AlacantPortRQ
ESPR3ParcentAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3844N 00030WMap
ESRELPetrelAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRQ
ESPTEPetrerAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3829N 00046WMap
ESPAZPilar de la HoradadaAAlicante / AlacantPortRQ
ESPLNPlanesAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3847N 00020WMap
ESPLPPolopAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3837N 00007WMap
ESUOLPuçolAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3936N 00018WMap
ESNSRPueblo Nuevo de San RafaelAAlicante / AlacantRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL
ESRBLRebolledoAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3821N 00037WMap
ESRJLRojalesAAlicante / AlacantMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ3850N 00043WMap
ESSLSSalinasAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3831N 00054WMap
ESSI2San IsidroAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3810N 00050WMap
ESSIASan Isidro de AlbateraAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3739N 00105WMap
ESZMASan Juan de AlicanteAAlicante / AlacantMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL3824N 00026WMap
ESMSWSan Miguel de SalinasAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3759N 00047WMap
ESTEUTeuladaAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3843N 00006EMap
ESTBITibiAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalAA3832N 00035WMap
ESTHOTorre HoradadaAAlicante / AlacantPortRQ3752N 00045WMap
ESXVAVall D'AlbaidaAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3850N 00032WMap
ESVPGVentas de PedreguerAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRQ3848N 00030EMap
ESCVJVictoria de AcentejoAAlicante / AlacantPortRQ
ESVJYVillajoyosaAAlicante / AlacantRoad TerminalRL3830N 00014WMap
ESDGSVillandangosAAlicante / AlacantPortRQ

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

How can I find Spain UN/LOCODE?

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