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UN/LOCODE in Palencia,Spain

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
ESACMAguilar de CampóoPPalenciaRoad TerminalRL4248N 00415WMap
ESRLAAlar del ReyPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4240N 00418WMap
ESUDTAstudilloPPalenciaRoad TerminalAM4212N 00418WMap
ESTNSBaltanásPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4156N 00415WMap
ESDTTBarruelo de SantullanPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4254N 00418WMap
ESBCCBecerril de CamposPPalenciaRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL4207N 00438WMap
ESBVLBuenavista ValdaviaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4238N 00436WMap
ESWRRCarrión de Los CondesPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4220N 00436WMap
ESWGGCervera de PisuergaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4252N 00430WMap
ESCSNCisnerosPPalenciaPort,Rail TerminalRQ4213N 00451WMap
ESDUNDueñasPPalenciaRoad TerminalRL4152N 00433WMap
ESFTAFromistaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4216N 00424WMap
ESFA6Fuentes De NavaPPalenciaRoad TerminalAA4205N 00447WMap
ESFUDFuentes de ValdeperoPPalenciaRoad TerminalRL4204N 00430WMap
ESZNOGrijotaPPalenciaMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL4203N 00435WMap
ESPSSHerrera de PisuergaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4236N 00420WMap
ESOSOOsornoPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4224N 00422WMap
ESPACPalenciaPPalenciaRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL4201N 00432WMap
ESRNVParedes de NavaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4209N 00441WMap
ESRVGRenedo de la VegaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRL4227N 00442WMap
ESRQCRequena de CamposPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4219N 00419WMap
ESSDASaldañaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRL4231N 00444WMap
ESSIDSan Isidro de DueñasPPalenciaPortRQ
ESSZZSantibañez de la PeñaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4249N 00443WMap
ESTQMTorquemadaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4202N 00419WMap
ESRTRVelilla del Rio CarrionPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4250N 00450WMap
ESVBAVenta de BañosPPalenciaRail Terminal,Road Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL4155N 00430WMap
ESVIDVilladaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4215N 00458WMap
ESOT7VillamedianaPPalenciaRoad TerminalRL4203N 00422WMap
ESVDOVillamuriel de CerratoPPalenciaRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL4157N 00431WMap
ESRRMVillarramielPPalenciaRoad TerminalRQ4203N 00455WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

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