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UN/LOCODE in Cheshire West and Chester,United Kingdom

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
GBAN9AndertonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5316N 00232WMap
GBAPTAppleton ThornCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5320N 00232WMap
GBAHTAshtonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5313N 00244WMap
GBBDXBaldirtonCHWCheshire West and ChesterPortRQ
GBBNMBartonCHWCheshire West and ChesterPortAF
GBYEYByleyCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5312N 00224WMap
GBCPUCapenhurstCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRQ5315N 00257WMap
GBCEGChesterCHWCheshire West and ChesterPort,AirportAF
GBDSEDeesideCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5312N 00301WMap
GBETOEatonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5310N 00238WMap
GBELLEllesmere PortCHWCheshire West and ChesterPortAF
GBQLTEltonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5315N 00249WMap
GBFDSFrodshamCHWCheshire West and ChesterRail Terminal,Road TerminalAF
GBGBUGreat BudworthCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5317N 00229WMap
GBGSUGreat SuttonCHWCheshire West and ChesterUnknownAF
GBHLEHale BankCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5321N 00247WMap
GBHAZHartfordCHWCheshire West and ChesterRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL5314N 00232WMap
GBHSBHelsbyCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF
GBHOZHooleCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF
GBOOTHootonCHWCheshire West and ChesterPortRQ5317N 00257WMap
GBINCInceCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF
GBXLYKingsleyCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5316N 00240WMap
GBLBTLittle BudworthCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRQ5311N 00236WMap
GBLOGLostock GralamCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF
GBLKTLower KinnertonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF
GBMCHMalpasCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ5301N 00246WMap
GBMN8MarstonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5316N 00230WMap
GBMKTMickle TraffordCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5313N 00249WMap
GBNESNestonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF5317N 00303WMap
GBNWONewtonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF
GBNTHNorthwichCHWCheshire West and ChesterPortAF
GBRHERudheathCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRQ5314N 00228WMap
GBSOEStokeCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF
GBTPLTarporleyCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF
GBTRVTarvinCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRQ5312N 00246WMap
GBTTHTattenhallCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ5307N 00245WMap
GBWH9WhartonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5312N 00231WMap
GBWXNWillastonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF
GBWCHWinchamCHWCheshire West and ChesterRail Terminal,Road TerminalAF5317N 00228WMap
GBWG9WinningtonCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalRL5316N 00232WMap
GBWIFWinsfordCHWCheshire West and ChesterRoad TerminalAF5311N 00231WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

How can I find United Kingdom UN/LOCODE?

You can use the search function above to enter city names to find the UN/LOCODE. Or you can search for the UN/LOCODE of corresponding United Kingdom cities by region.