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UN/LOCODE in Eilean Siar,United Kingdom

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
GBADMAird Mhor (Ardmhor)ELSEilean SiarPort,Road TerminalAA5701N 00725WMap
GBARVArdveenishELSEilean SiarPort,Road TerminalAA5700N 00724WMap
GBACBBackELSEilean SiarPortRL5816N 00619WMap
GBBBCBenbeculaELSEilean SiarAirportAI5728N 00721WMap
GBRNRBernera (Lewis)ELSEilean SiarPortRL5811N 00659WMap
GBRNNBernera (N Uist)ELSEilean SiarPortRL5736N 00709WMap
GBRSTBreascleteELSEilean SiarPortRL5812N 00645WMap
GBCBACastlebayELSEilean SiarPortAF5657N 00728WMap
GBCAGCeann a Gharaidh, EriskayELSEilean SiarPort,Road TerminalAA5704N 00717WMap
GBESKEishkenELSEilean SiarPortRL5751N 00622WMap
GBEKNEiskenELSEilean SiarPortRL5836N 00631WMap
GBRRBGarrabostELSEilean SiarPortRL5813N 00614WMap
GBGMYGrimsayELSEilean SiarPortRL5728N 00712WMap
GBHGYHougharry and Loch EportELSEilean SiarPortRL5736N 00733WMap
GBIARIsle of BarraELSEilean SiarRoad TerminalRL5658N 00729WMap
GBKALKallin (Ceallan), Isle of GrimsayELSEilean SiarPort,Road TerminalAA5729N 00712WMap
GBLVRLeverburgh, HarrisELSEilean SiarPort,Road TerminalAA5746N 00701WMap
GBLCCLoch CarnanELSEilean SiarPortRQ5720N 00715WMap
GBLBDLochboisdale (Loch Baghasdail), South UistELSEilean SiarPort,Road TerminalAA5709N 00719WMap
GBLMALochmaddyELSEilean SiarPortAF5736N 00711WMap
GBOCHLochsELSEilean SiarPortRL5806N 00629WMap
GBNSANessELSEilean SiarPortRL5827N 00620WMap
GBNHSNorth HarrisELSEilean SiarPortRL5753N 00652WMap
GBNTLNorth LochsELSEilean SiarPortRL5806N 00629WMap
GBNUINorth UistELSEilean SiarPortRL5736N 00709WMap
GBNRBNorthbayELSEilean SiarPortRL5700N 00724WMap
GBOTROtternish, North UistELSEilean SiarPort,Road TerminalAA5741N 00711WMap
GBPRNPortnaguran and NessELSEilean SiarPortRL5829N 00613WMap
GBSCCScalpay, Outer HebridiesELSEilean SiarPort,Road TerminalAA5752N 00641WMap
GBTRSSouth HarrisELSEilean SiarPortRL5801N 00621WMap
GBOTCSouth LochsELSEilean SiarPortRL5806N 00629WMap
GBTHTSouth Uist and EriskayELSEilean SiarPortRQ5704N 00716WMap
GBSCHStockinishELSEilean SiarPortRL5748N 00610WMap
GBSTOStornowayELSEilean SiarPort,AirportAF5813N 00622WMap
GBTABTarbert,HarrisELSEilean SiarPortAF5754N 00648WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

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