UN/LOCODE | Port Name | Region | Region Name | Port Type | State | Latitude & longitude | Map |
ITAG4 | Ameglia | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | RL | 4404N 00957E | Map |
ITQAR | Arcola | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | RL | 4407N 00954E | Map |
ITZMC | Casella | SP | La Spezia | Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.) | RL | 4408N 00944E | Map |
ITZFH | Ceparana | SP | La Spezia | Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.) | RL | 4410N 00953E | Map |
ITSPE | La Spezia | SP | La Spezia | Port | AI | 4407N 00950E | Map |
ITLGZ | Le Grazie | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | RQ | 4404N 00950E | Map |
ITLER | Lerici | SP | La Spezia | Port,Road Terminal | AA | 4404N 00955E | Map |
ITLEN | Levanto | SP | La Spezia | Port,Road Terminal | AA | 4410N 00938E | Map |
ITRSM | Monterosso al Mare | SP | La Spezia | Port,Rail Terminal,Road Terminal | AA | 4409N 00939E | Map |
IT2MU | Muggiano | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | AM | 4405N 00953E | Map |
ITORN | Ortonovo | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | RL | 4405N 01003E | Map |
ITPZO | Ponzano Magra | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | RQ | ||
ITPRW | Portovenere | SP | La Spezia | Port,Road Terminal | AA | 4403N 00951E | Map |
ITRMG | Rio Maggiore | SP | La Spezia | Port,Road Terminal | AI | 4406N 00944E | Map |
ITIOG | Riomaggiore | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | AM | 4406N 00944E | Map |
ITRV3 | Rocchetta Di Vara | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | AA | 4412N 00947E | Map |
ITQGO | Santo Stefano di Magra | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | RL | ||
ITSAZ | Sarzana | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | RL | 4407N 00949E | Map |
ITQLP | Sarzana-Luni Apt | SP | La Spezia | Airport | RL | 4405N 00959E | Map |
ITSEW | Senato Lerici | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | RL | 4405N 00955E | Map |
ITVZN | Vernazza | SP | La Spezia | Port,Rail Terminal,Road Terminal | AA | 4408N 00941E | Map |
ITVZL | Vezzano Ligure | SP | La Spezia | Rail Terminal,Road Terminal | RL | 4409N 00952E | Map |
ITVZ5 | Vezzola Ligure | SP | La Spezia | Road Terminal | RL | 4416N 00945E | Map |
AA - Approved by competent national government agency
AC - Approved by Customs Authority
AF - Approved by national facilitation body
AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)
AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency
AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified
AS - Approved by national standardisation body
QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated
RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work
RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country
RQ - Request under consideration
RR - Request rejected
UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved
XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE
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