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UN/LOCODE in Basnāhira paḷāta,Sri Lanka

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
LKAGAAgalawatta1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0632N 08009EMap
LKATAAttanagalla1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0706N 08007EMap
LKBANBandaragama1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0642N 07959EMap
LKBATBattaramulla1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0654N 07955EMap
LKBUTBulathsinhala1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0639N 08010EMap
LKDEHDehiwala1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0651N 07951EMap
LKAZXDekatana1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0658N 08003EMap
LKDIVDivulapitiya1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0713N 08005EMap
LKDODDodangoda1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0632N 08024EMap
LKDOMDompe1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0657N 08031EMap
LKGAMGampaha1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0753N 07959EMap
LKHOMHomagama1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0650N 08005EMap
LKINGIngiriya1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0645N 08010EMap
LKJAEJa-Ela1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0754N 07953EMap
LKKADKaduwela1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0655N 07958EMap
LKKDAKandana1Basnāhira paḷātaMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL0702N 07953EMap
LKKWEKatana West1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0715N 07954EMap
LKKESKesbewa1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0647N 07956EMap
LKMADMadurawala1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0638N 08040EMap
LKMRAMahara1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0700N 07956EMap
LKMAHMaharagama1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0650N 07955EMap
LKMALMalwana1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0656N 08000EMap
LKMATMatugama1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0631N 08006EMap
LKMINMinuwangoda1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0710N 07957EMap
LKMIRMirigama1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0714N 08007EMap
LKMORMoratuwa1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0646N 07952EMap
LKNBWNittambuwa1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0709N 08006EMap
LKPDUPadukka1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0649N 08055EMap
LKPALPalindanuwara1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0630N 08016EMap
LKSUWSiduwa1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0707N 07953EMap
LKWALWalallawita1Basnāhira paḷātaRoad TerminalRL0622N 08012EMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

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