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UN/LOCODE in Chiapas,Mexico

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
MXAACAngel Albino CorzoCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1555N 09243WMap
MXARRArriagaCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1614N 09354WMap
MXBDABenemerito De Las AmericasCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1631N 09038WMap
MXCCZChiapa de CorzoCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1642N 09300WMap
MXCMLChimalapaCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRQ1524N 09213WMap
MXCCUCiudad CuauthemocCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRQ1539N 09159WMap
MXHIDCiudad HidalgoCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1441N 09209WMap
MXCOPCopainalaCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1705N 09312WMap
MXFRCFrontera ComalapaCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRQ1539N 09208WMap
MXTRILa TrinitariaCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1607N 09203WMap
MXMPPMapastepecCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1526N 09254WMap
MXTTEMonterreyCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1605N 09323WMap
MXNLNNuevo LeónCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1638N 09233WMap
MXOCSOcosingoCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1654N 09202WMap
MXOZAOcozocuautlaCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1646N 09322WMap
MXOT2OstuacánCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1725N 09318WMap
MXPU2PichucalcoCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1731N 09304WMap
MXPIJPijijiapanCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRQ1540N 09313WMap
MXPMDPuerto MaderoCHPChiapasPort,Road TerminalAI1443N 09225WMap
MXPRCPuerto RicoCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1633N 09153WMap
MXSIJSimojovel de AllendeCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1712N 09238WMap
MXSOCSoconuscoCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1519N 09244WMap
MXSCHSuchiateCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1433N 09213WMap
MXTAPTapachulaCHPChiapasAirportAI1447N 09222WMap
MXTCHTapachulasCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1454N 09216WMap
MXTNLTonalaCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRQ1605N 09344WMap
MXTGZTuxtla GutiérrezCHPChiapasRoad Terminal,AirportAI1645N 09307WMap
MXVIFVilla FloresCHPChiapasRoad TerminalRL1614N 09314WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

How can I find Mexico UN/LOCODE?

You can use the search function above to enter city names to find the UN/LOCODE. Or you can search for the UN/LOCODE of corresponding Mexico cities by region.