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UN/LOCODE in Colón,Panama

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
PAACHAchiote3ColónRoad TerminalRL0913N 08001WMap
PAPBMBahía Las Minas3ColónPortRL0924N 07950WMap
PACONBuena Vista3ColónRoad TerminalRL0916N 07941WMap
PACCQCacique3ColónRoad TerminalRL0937N 07937WMap
PACTVCativá3ColónRoad TerminalRL0921N 07950WMap
PACCNCoclé del Norte3ColónRoad TerminalRL0905N 08035WMap
PAONXColón3ColónPort,Road Terminal,Airport,Postal Exchange OfficeAI0921N 07952WMap
PACFZColón Free Zone3ColónRoad TerminalRL0921N 07954WMap
PACTBCristóbal3ColónPortAI0921N 07954WMap
PAEGBEl Guabo3ColónRoad TerminalRL0905N 08005WMap
PAESCEscobal3ColónRoad TerminalRL0908N 07957WMap
PAFUAFuerte Davis3ColónRoad TerminalRL0917N 07954WMap
PAGRRGarrote3ColónRoad TerminalRL0936N 07935WMap
PAGBEGobea3ColónRoad TerminalRL0910N 08014WMap
PAIGEIsla Grande3ColónRoad TerminalRL0938N 07934WMap
PALAALa Arenosa3ColónRoad TerminalRL0859N 08007WMap
PALENLa Encantada3ColónRoad TerminalRL0906N 08012WMap
PAMCHMaría Chiquita3ColónRoad TerminalRL0926N 07945WMap
PAMDBMiguel de la Borda3ColónRoad TerminalRL0909N 08019WMap
PAMIAMiramar3ColónRoad TerminalRL0935N 07920WMap
PANDDNombre de Dios3ColónRoad TerminalRL0935N 07928WMap
PANPRNueva Providencia3ColónRoad TerminalRL0915N 07948WMap
PANCHNuevo Chagres3ColónRoad TerminalRL0914N 08005WMap
PANSJNuevo San Juan3ColónRoad TerminalRL0913N 07939WMap
PAPALPalenque3ColónRoad TerminalRL0912N 07941WMap
PAPLBPalmas Bellas3ColónRoad TerminalRL0913N 08005WMap
PAPLMPalmira3ColónRoad TerminalRL0933N 07913WMap
PAPNAPiña3ColónRoad TerminalRL0916N 08002WMap
PAPBEPortobelo3ColónPort,Road TerminalRL0933N 07939WMap
PAPUPPuerto Pilón3ColónRoad TerminalRL0921N 07947WMap
PASBTSabanitas3ColónRoad TerminalRL0920N 07948WMap
PASLMSalamanca3ColónRoad TerminalRL0920N 07936WMap
PASLDSalud3ColónRoad TerminalRL0912N 08007WMap
PASISSanta Isabel3ColónRoad TerminalRL0932N 07911WMap
PAVFRViento Frío3ColónRoad TerminalRL0935N 07924WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

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