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UN/LOCODE in Veraguas,Panama

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
PAAMDAmador9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0904N 07954WMap
PAARSArenas9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0722N 08051WMap
PAAMAArosemena9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0858N 07957WMap
PAATAAtalaya9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0803N 08056WMap
PABJOBejuco9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0836N 07953WMap
PABASBuenos Aires9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0838N 07957WMap
PACBACabuya9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0835N 07955WMap
PACAMCaimito9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0849N 07957WMap
PACLBCalobre9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0819N 08051WMap
PACMPCampana9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0843N 07954WMap
PACAPCapira9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0845N 07953WMap
PACMOCermeño9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0844N 07951WMap
PACHMChame9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0835N 07953WMap
PACHCChicá9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0840N 07956WMap
PACLSCirí de Los Sotos9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0858N 08005WMap
PACRPCirí Grande9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0852N 08003WMap
PAECAEl Cacao9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0846N 08001WMap
PAECOEl Coco9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0852N 07948WMap
PAEENEl Espino9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0829N 08001WMap
PAEHIEl Higo9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0827N 08002WMap
PALLIEl Líbano9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0837N 07950WMap
PAGLPGuadalupe9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0851N 07948WMap
PAGYOGuayabito9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0832N 08000WMap
PALLGLa Laguna9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0836N 08003WMap
PALTRLa Trinidad9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0852N 08000WMap
PALAJLas Lajas9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0833N 07956WMap
PALOALas Ollas Arriba9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0848N 07954WMap
PALUVLas Uvas9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0828N 08000WMap
PALDCLídice9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0845N 07954WMap
PALONLos Llanitos9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0836N 08006WMap
PAMEDMendoza9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0900N 07950WMap
PANGANueva Gorgona9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0833N 07952WMap
PANEMNuevo Emperador9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0859N 07943WMap
PAPLYPlaya Leona9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0847N 07946WMap
PAPCAPuerto Caimito9VeraguasPort,Road Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL0852N 07943WMap
PAPCHPunta Chame9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0839N 07942WMap
PASAJSajalices9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0841N 07952WMap
PASTRSanta Rita9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0851N 07952WMap
PASNRSanta Rosa9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0852N 08006WMap
PASORSorá9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0838N 08000WMap
PATNSTonosí9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0812N 08046WMap
PAVCZVeracruz9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0852N 07938WMap
PAVCAVilla Carmen9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0848N 07952WMap
PAVIRVilla Rosario9VeraguasRoad TerminalRL0847N 07952WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

How can I find Panama UN/LOCODE?

You can use the search function above to enter city names to find the UN/LOCODE. Or you can search for the UN/LOCODE of corresponding Panama cities by region.