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UN/LOCODE in Castelo Branco,Portugal

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
PTALSAlcains05Castelo BrancoRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3955N 00727WMap
PTBMTBelmonte05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN4021N 00721WMap
PTCBRCastelo Branco05Castelo BrancoRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL3949N 00730WMap
PTCDBCernache do Bonjardim05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRL3948N 00811WMap
PTCOVCovilhã05Castelo BrancoRail Terminal,Road Terminal,AirportAI4017N 00730WMap
PTFUAFundão05Castelo BrancoRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL4008N 00729WMap
PTIDNIdanha-a-Nova05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN3955N 00714WMap
PTJUNJuncal05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRL3955N 00734WMap
PTOLROleiros05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN3955N 00755WMap
PTORVOrvalho05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN4001N 00748WMap
PTMPQPanasqueira05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN4010N 00746WMap
PTPNCPenamacor05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN4010N 00710WMap
PTPRAProença-a-Nova05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN3945N 00755WMap
PTSGUSalgueiro05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRL4014N 00718WMap
PTSVBSão Vicente da Beira05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN4002N 00734WMap
PTSRTSertã05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN3948N 00806WMap
PTSLHSoalheira05Castelo BrancoRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN4002N 00729WMap
PTTSOTortosendo05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRQ4014N 00731WMap
PTTVSTroviscal05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRL3952N 00801WMap
PTCVLUnhais da Serra05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN4016N 00737WMap
PTVLRVila de Rei05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRN3940N 00809WMap
PTVVRVila Velha de Ródão05Castelo BrancoRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3940N 00742WMap
PTZIBZibreira05Castelo BrancoRoad TerminalRL3951N 00704WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

How can I find Portugal UN/LOCODE?

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