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UN/LOCODE in Faro,Portugal

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
PTABFAlbufeira08FaroPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalRL3705N 00815WMap
PTATHAlcantarilha08FaroRoad TerminalRL3708N 00821WMap
PTACTAlcoutim08FaroRoad TerminalRN3728N 00728WMap
PTAJZAljezur08FaroRoad TerminalRN3719N 00848WMap
PTAMLAlmancil08FaroRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3705N 00802WMap
PTAVRAlvor08FaroRoad TerminalRL3708N 00834WMap
PTARPArmação de Pêra08FaroPort,Road TerminalRN3706N 00821WMap
PTBELBela Salema08FaroRoad TerminalRL3704N 00756WMap
PTBMLBelém08FaroRoad TerminalRL3719N 00835WMap
PTBOLBoliqueime08FaroRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL3707N 00809WMap
PTCBVCabanas de Tavira08FaroRoad TerminalRL3708N 00735WMap
PTCAOCarvoeiro08FaroRoad TerminalRL3706N 00828WMap
PTCMMCastro Marim08FaroRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3713N 00726WMap
PTCAVCavalos08FaroRoad TerminalRL3719N 00757WMap
PTCTLCorotelo08FaroRoad TerminalRL3708N 00756WMap
PTETBEstombar08FaroRoad TerminalRL3709N 00829EMap
PTFAOFaro08FaroPort,Rail Terminal,Road Terminal,AirportAI3701N 00756WMap
PTFERFerragudo08FaroRoad TerminalRL3707N 00831WMap
PTGIAGuia08FaroRoad TerminalRN3707N 00818WMap
PTLGALagoa, Algarve08FaroRoad TerminalRL3710N 00730WMap
PTLOSLagos08FaroPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalAI3706N 00840WMap
PTLULLoulé08FaroRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3708N 00802WMap
PTMCPMoncarapacho08FaroRoad TerminalRL3705N 00747WMap
PTMCQMonchique08FaroRoad TerminalRN3719N 00833WMap
PTOCXOdeceixe08FaroRoad TerminalRL3726N 00846WMap
PT8DAOdiáxere08FaroRoad TerminalRL3709N 00839WMap
PTOLHOlhão08FaroPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalRL3702N 00750WMap
PTPOCPorches08FaroRoad TerminalRL3707N 00824WMap
PTPRMPortimao08FaroPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalAI3708N 00832WMap
PTQRTQuarteira08FaroPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3704N 00806WMap
PTQURQuerença08FaroRoad TerminalRL3711N 00759WMap
PTSBMSão Bartolomeu de Messines08FaroRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3715N 00817WMap
PTSBASão Brás de Alportel08FaroRoad TerminalRN3709N 00753WMap
PTSLVSilves08FaroRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3711N 00826WMap
PTSSOSosa08FaroRoad TerminalRL4033N 00840WMap
PTTVRTavira08FaroRail Terminal,Road TerminalRN3707N 00739WMap
PTVBPVila do Bispo08FaroRoad TerminalRN3705N 00855WMap
PTVIFVila Moura08FaroRoad TerminalRQ
PTVREVila Real de Santo António08FaroPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalRL3712N 00725WMap

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

How can I find Portugal UN/LOCODE?

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