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UN/LOCODE in Södermanlands län,Sweden

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
SEAAKÅkers StyckebrukDSödermanlands länRail Terminal,Road TerminalRQ
SEALGAlbergaDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5916N 01607EMap
SEBNABettnaDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5854N 01638EMap
SEBJVBjorkvikDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5850N 01631EMap
SEEKBEkebyDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5907N 01714EMap
SEEBGEnstabergaDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5845N 01651EMap
SEEKTEskilstunaDSödermanlands länAirportAI
SEFLEFlenDSödermanlands länRail Terminal,Road TerminalAF
SEGNEGnestaDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL
SEGORGorsingeholmDSödermanlands länPortAA5921N 01703EMap
SEGR9GrytDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5906N 01658EMap
SEHRSHälleforsnäsDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL
SEHNEHaningeDSödermanlands länRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL
SEHGJHögsjöDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5902N 01541EMap
SEKAMKatrineholmDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL
SEKVCKvicksundDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5927N 01619EMap
SEMALMalmbyDSödermanlands länRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL5920N 01703EMap
SEMKPMalmkopingDSödermanlands länMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ5908N 01644EMap
SEMRFMariefredDSödermanlands länPort,Road TerminalRL
SEMANMarsvikenDSödermanlands länPortAI
SEMOIMellösaDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5906N 01633EMap
SENAVNävekvarnDSödermanlands länPortAF
SENRSNorsborgDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL
SENYONyköpingDSödermanlands länPort,Rail Terminal,Road Terminal,AirportAA5855N 01710EMap
SEOAXOaxenDSödermanlands länPortAF
SEOXEOxelösundDSödermanlands länPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalAA5840N 01706EMap
SESBNSaltsjöbadenDSödermanlands länPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalAF
SESGPSkogstorp/VingåkerDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5909N 01555EMap
SEIDJSödertäljeDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5911N 01737EMap
SESPHSparreholmDSödermanlands länRail Terminal,Road TerminalRL5904N 01649EMap
SESTGStigtomtaDSödermanlands länPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalRL5848N 01647EMap
SESTQSträngnäsDSödermanlands länPort,Rail Terminal,Road TerminalAA5923N 01702EMap
SESDSStudsvikDSödermanlands länPortAA5846N 01723EMap
SESNYSundbyDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5926N 01637EMap
SETOATorshällaDSödermanlands länPort,Road TerminalAI5925N 01627EMap
SETRSTrosaDSödermanlands länUnknownAF
SEVHDVagnhäradDSödermanlands länUnknownRL
SEVLKVallaDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL5901N 01623EMap
SEVIAVingåkerDSödermanlands länRoad TerminalRL

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

How can I find Sweden UN/LOCODE?

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