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UN/LOCODE in Hồ Chí Minh,Viet Nam

UN/LOCODEPort NameRegionRegion NamePort TypeStateLatitude & longitudeMap
VNBNGBèn NghèSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road TerminalRQ1045N 10644EMap
VNBCHBình ChánhSGHồ Chí MinhMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL1040N 10634EMap
VNCLICát LáiSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road TerminalRL1046N 10647EMap
VNOCLCat Lai Oil PortSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road TerminalRQ1044N 10646EMap
VNSPCHiep Phuoc PortSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road TerminalRQ1038N 10645EMap
VNSGNHo Chi Minh CitySGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road Terminal,Airport,Postal Exchange Office,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)AI1046N 10640EMap
VNSTRICD SotransSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RQ1049N 10645EMap
VNITXICD TRANSIMEX THU DUCSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL1050N 10645EMap
VNKHIKhánh HôiSGHồ Chí MinhRoad TerminalRL1045N 10642EMap
VNLPOLotus PortSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road TerminalRL1044N 10644EMap
VNONBNha Be Oil PortSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road TerminalRQ1042N 10644EMap
VNPHNPhú NhuanSGHồ Chí MinhMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL1047N 10640EMap
VNCSGSai Gon PortSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road TerminalRQ1050N 10645EMap
VNOSPSaigon Petro Oil TerminalSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road TerminalRQ1045N 10647EMap
VNTBMTan BinhSGHồ Chí MinhMultimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)RL1048N 10639EMap
VNTCGTan CangSGHồ Chí MinhPortRQ
VNHPPTan Cang Hiep Phuoc PortSGHồ Chí MinhPortRL1038N 10643EMap
VNTSNTan Son Nhat AptSGHồ Chí MinhRoad Terminal,AirportRL
VNTTDTân Thuan DôngSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road TerminalRL1044N 10643EMap
VNTAMTanamexco ICDSGHồ Chí MinhPort,Road Terminal,Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.),Fixed Transport Functions (e.g. Oil platform)RL

Status Indicators

AA - Approved by competent national government agency

AC - Approved by Customs Authority

AF - Approved by national facilitation body

AI - Code adopted by international organisation (IATA, ECLAC, EUROSTAT, etc.)

AM - Approved by the UN/LOCODE Maintenance Agency

AQ - Entry approved, functions not verified

AS - Approved by national standardisation body

QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated

RL - Recognised location - Existence and representation of location name confirmed by check against nominated gazetteer or other reference work

RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country

RQ - Request under consideration

RR - Request rejected

UR - Entry included on user's request; not officially approved

XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

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